报告题目:Visibility or capability: an economic analysis of livestreaming adoption
报告人简介:姬翔,博士,图书馆VIP管理学院特任副研究员。分别于2011年、2017年获图书馆VIP数学与应用数学专业理学学士和管理科学与工程专业管理学博士学位,获2018年中国科学院优秀博士学位论文奖。主要研究方向为运营管理与营销、管理信息系统等领域的交叉研究,以第一/通讯作者在Production and Operations Management、European Journal of Operational Research等国内外主流学术期刊发表论文40余篇。主持国家自然科学基金项目2项(面上、青年),其中青年项目基金委后评估为“特优”。
摘要:In recent years, livestreaming selling has been widely adopted worldwide and is becoming the hottest trend in retail. And consequently, livestreaming selling attracts emerging academic attention. However, the analysis of how streamers contribute to livestreaming sales remains largely understudied, though livestreaming selling success critically depends on the firm’s choice of streamers. To fill in this research gap, this paper proposes a stylized game-theoretic model to analyze the relationships between firms’ livestreaming selling decisions and streamers’ characteristics (e.g., popularity and expertise). The results show that a streamer with higher popularity (resp., expertise) may sometimes have a higher (resp., lower) conversion rate in livestreaming sessions. Specifically, the latter case happens when the streamer's popularity is high, and the expertise is not moderate. The results also show that when the streamer's popularity (or expertise) is better, the firm may be worse off. Moreover, the firm may, interestingly, sometimes benefit from livestreaming adoption, even when the streamer's popularity (or expertise) is low to zero.